The Best Way to Experience a Masai Mara Safari (For Couples)

Masai mara is without a doubt one of the most famous game reserves in the world. It has been the go to destination for first time safari goers as well as seasoned travellers. 

The wide range of wildlife in the mara ensure that there is something for everyone. From photographers to bird watches, the mara will have something unforgettable for you. 

In this post, we will answer some pertinent questions about the mara as well as list some of the best ways to experience all it has to offer. 

What is masai mara famous for?

Masai mara is famous for the annual wildebeest migration from July to October. During this period, millions of wildebeests and zebras cross over to the Mara from Serengenti in search of greener pastures. 

The crossings happen along the crocodile infested mara river which offers tourists a chance to experience the wild animals trying to make it to Mara on the other side of the river. 

This spectacle makes masai mara one of the most visited game reserves in Kenya and Africa at large. 

During the crossings, many wildebeests will fall prey to either the crocodiles or predators waiting on the other side for an easy catch. It is fairly common to see lions patiently waiting to make a kill as the animals scramble to cross the river. 

The video below shows lions ambushing a wildebeest during the migration.

Why is masai mara reserve so important?

The Masai mara national reserve is so important because it is one of the few remaining conservancies in the world where wild animals roam freely in a protected environment. 

Given that wild animals and their eco systems are increasingly coming under threat from humans, it is extremely important to make sure that the Mara is conserved not only for the animals but also for future generations. 

Additionally, mara is home to hundreds of animal and bird species some of which are endangered and if we don’t protect it, some of these species will go extinct.

The best way to experience masai mara for couples  

If you want to properly experience all that mara has to offer, then you need at least 2 days in the reserve. This will give you ample time to visit most of the mara including the Mara triangle which is considered by most travellers to be the best part of mara. 

Below are some of the best ways to experience all that mara has to offer;

  • Hot air balloon safari
  • Sundowner in the wild 
  • Bush dinners 
  • Bush breakfasts 
  • Guided tour 
  • Bush Camping  

Hot air balloon safari

Hot air balloon safari is one of the best ways to experience mara from the air. Depending on where you lift off, you might get to fly over the mara river and experience the wildebeest migration from the air. 

How much is a hot air balloon safari?

A hot air balloon safari in the mara cost about $450 per person. One of the reasons why it’s expensive is because it takes about 10 people to get the balloon airborne and to bring it down safely. Additionally, the balloons are expensive to buy. 

How long does a hot air balloon safari last?

A hot air balloon safari lasts about an hour from start to finish. It might be short lived but what you’ll experience while up in the air over the vast mara will last a lifetime. 

Sundowners in the Wild 


After a long day of adventure in the Mara, there’s no better way to end the day than with a sundowner in the wild. If your lodge is near a cliff or a river, you can request them to set up a table by the cliff overlooking the vast wilderness or by the river. Experiencing the sun set over the mara is magical. 

Bush Dinners 

Dinners in the wild gives you the chance to be at one with nature all while enjoying a delicious meal. Where possible, ask your tour guide to set up the table near a cliff or near a river. 

The wilderness sounds of Lions roaring in the distance, hyena’s cackling, or crickets chirping will make your experience unforgettable. 

Bush Breakfasts 

A bush breakfast is simply a breakfast picnic cooked out in the wild. Most people have their bush breakfast after an early morning game drive. After sunrise, your tour guide will help set up a spot in the wild and prepare breakfast for you. 

Most lodges offer this as a package but others will charge extra for this. 

Guided Tour 

A guided tour is a great way to experience the mara because your tour guide will know the best viewing spots. In most cases, the tour package you pick will include a guide who will be with you throughout the safari. 

While self drive game drives are possible, you will have to hire a tour guide to drive into the park with. The game rangers at the gates will not allow you to drive into the park without a guide. 

Bush Camping 

Bush camping allows visitors to experience the mara in the dark of night. The noises you will hear throughout the night are unforgettable. In some cases, hyenas can come to the campsite to scavenge. This is however not a concern as all campers need to hire a guard for protection. 

There are many private campsites in the Masai mara but most of them require advance booking. You should also expect to pay a camping fee. 


Regardless of how you choose to experience the mara, you can rest assured that the memories will last a lifetime. Hot air balloons are perfect but can be costly if you’re on a budget.  

Guided tours give you the perfect chance to come up and close with lions, elephants, cheetahs, and many many wildebeests and zebras. 

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