The Best Time to Visit Masai Mara for Every Kind of Traveller


The masai mara national reserve is world renowned for being the host of the wildebeest migration as well as its population of wild cats such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs. Additionally, the park has a big population of African bush elephants. 

This makes masai mara a top safari destination for all types of travellers. Although you can visit masai mara all year round, there are some months that are better than others. Most people prefer to visit the reserve during the migration months but it can get crowded during the migration and prices are usually higher. 

In this post, we will look at the best time to visit masai mara for all types of travellers. From first timers to seasoned film crews. 

Best time to visit masai mara for first timers


First impressions matter and tend to last forever. Therefore, if you are planning to visit Masai mara for the first time, it’s important to pick the perfect month to visit. For first timers, it’s best to avoid the peak months from late June to October. This is because the parks get very crowded during this time, the rates are higher and wildlife sightings attract many tour vehicles. 

The best time to visit the mara for first timers is during the low season months of November to March. During the low season, the parks are not crowded, the rates are low and the hotels occupancy rates are low. 

Best time to visit the mara for Bird watchers 


The best time to visit masai mara for birdwatchers is from November to June. This is also the wet season with the long rains starting in March to April. During this period, thousands of migrant birds arrive to take advantage of the blooming trees making this period the best time to spot some of the birds indegenous to Africa. 

Additionally, November to June coincides with the low season in the mara which means the rates are lower and the parks are less crowded. 

Best time for couples on Honeymoon 


The best time to visit the mara for couples on honeymoon will depend on whether you want some alone time or you want to experience the wildebeest migration. If you want some alone time, the best time is during the low season when the park and lodges are not as crowded. 

On the other hand, if you want to experience the wildebeest migration, then the best time to go is from June to October. The park and lodges will be busy during this period but the experience will be unforgettable. 

The masai mara has some of the most luxurious camps and lodges in the world. Therefore, whatever time you decide to go, you can rest assured that you will find a luxury camp that fits your needs. 

Best time to visit the mara for Families 

The best time to go to masai mara for families is definitely during the low season. Although you won’t get to experience the wildebeest migration, you are assured to see lions, elephants, cheetahs, and hundreds of zebras and wildebeest. Additionally, the peak season gets very busy and might not be ideal for kids. 

Additionally, the masai mara camps and lodges are family friendly and most have family rooms and child minders. Therefore, you can rest assured that your kids will enjoy the trip just as much. Read more about the top family friendly camps and lodges in Masai mara

Best time for Solo and budget travellers 

The best time to visit the masai mara for solo and budget travellers is during the low season months from November to March. In addition to the rates being low during this period, the parks are less crowded and you still get to see wild animals within the conservancy. 

Best time to visit masai mara for photographers 

Masai mara attracts photographers from all over the world. The famous big cat diary documentary was shot in the masai mara. The best time to visit for photographers is during the wildebeest migration season. This gives photographers the perfect chance to capture the 8th wonder of the world. The lighting during this period is not that great but the photographs of the migration will be well worth it. 

If you’re an upcoming photographer and can’t afford to visit during the peak season, you can visit during the low season. The landscape during this period is lush providing scenic landscapes perfect for photography. 

The best time to visit masai mara for the wildebeest migration

The best time to visit the maasai mara for the wildebeest migration is from late June to October. During this period, thousands of wildebeests, zebras, gazelles and antelopes migrate from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Masai mara in Kenya in search of greener pastures. 

Late June to October also happens to be the peak season with the parks and lodges getting crowded. 


The masai mara is an all year round park which means that you can visit the park anytime during the year. However, there are some months that are better than others depending on what your objectives are. 

Regardless of when you decide to visit the masai mara, you can rest assured that you will see wild animals in their element and experience a whole different culture. 

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