The Best Masai Mara Tented Camps


The masai mara, commonly known as the Mara, is a vast game reserve in Kenya. It is one of the most famous national parks in the world owing to the annual wildebeest migration. This has made the mara a top safari destination for tourists from all parts of the world. 

Its popularity increased even further when a team of documentary film makers documented the day to day lives of the famous marsh pride lions which were unfortunately poisoned. Many people who visited the mara during this time specifically wanted to get a glimpse of the famous marsh pride lions. 

Over the last decade or so, the number of tourists visiting the mara has more than doubled. As a result, the demand for accommodation within the park has also increased. This led to an increase in sustainable tented camps which are just as luxurious as traditional lodges. In this article we will look at the best luxury tented camps in the mara. 

What is a tented camp?

A tented camp is a type of accommodation that consists of safari tents as opposed to traditional lodges which consist of concrete or wooden structures. 

Although tented camps do not consist of concrete structures, they are just as luxurious and spacious as traditional lodges complete with a toilet, bathroom viewing decks and in some cases a jacuzzi. The whole idea behind such camps is to blend in with the surrounding environment allowing visitors to immerse in nature. 

The best luxury tented camps in masai mara

Masai mara has hundreds of lodges and tented camps both within and outside the conservancy. In this post I will go through some of the best luxury tented camps in the mara in no particular order. 

Mara plains 

The Mara plains camp is located within the Olare Motorogi Conservancy. The conservancy covers an area of 13,300-hectare. The camp blends in well with the natural vegetation within the area all while offering breathtaking views of the vast savannah. Although it is not within the Mara conservancy, the camp has access to the conservancy as well as more than 40,000 hectares of private conservancy land also abundant with wildlife. 

Richard’s River Camp

Richaard’s river camp is located in the mara north conservancy along the Njagateck river. It is one of the few camps located in Mara north. This allows users to enjoy private and exclusive stays. The camp’s surroundings are simply outstanding, the Ngoyanai springs attract a steady stream of wildlife within the area. There’s also a pride of lions that live within the camp and every now and then the lions can be seen hunting near the camp. 

Elephant Pepper Camp

The elephant pepper camp is located within the mara conservancy and is one of the best places to experience the wildebeest migration. The camp’s staff are friendly, the food is exceptional and the tour guides are very knowledgeable about the wildlife and the masai culture. If you are planning to visit the mara, then this is a camp you should definitely consider. 

Salas Camp

Sala’s camp is located in the southern part of the mara conservancy overlooking the serengeti national park. The camp is set on the banks of Sand and Keekorok River and only has 7 tents within the property. The camp enjoys perfect views of the northern corridor which is one of the routes taken by thousands of wildebeests during the annual crossing. 

Sala’s camp remote location makes it the perfect getaway for those seeking exclusivity in the wild. 

Little Governors’ Camp

Little governors camp is located on the edge of the mara. The camp can only be accessed via a boat ride across the mara river making it a perfect location for an undisturbed stay. The watering hole near the camp teems with all sorts of wildlife all within a few metres of the camp. Sometimes elephants will walk right up to the camp. With only 17 all ensuite tents, the camp offers exclusivity and an unforgettable stay. 

Basecamp Masai Mara

Basecamp masai mara is located along the Talek river which borders the mara conservancy. The camp boasts 15 luxury tented camps all built along the banks of the Talek river. The trees along the river are home to many bird species, monkeys and other wildlife making it a perfect location for bird watchers. Additionally, you can enjoy the amazing wildlife right from the comfort of your tent. 

&Beyond Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp

Kichwa tembo, which loosely translates to elephant head, is located along the Saparingo river on the edge of the Oloololo escarpment. The tent is located where the forest meets the savannah grassland. The camp has 12 classic tents and 20 superior tents.

Mara Ngenche Safari Camp

Located within the greenery of a riverine forest, the mara ngenche safari camp offers panoramic views of the mara and talek rivers. The camp also overlooks a hippo pool teeming with hippos and crocodiles within close proximity. The 10 luxury tented camps within the property are all ensuite and feature beautiful african decor. 

Mara West Camp

Mara west camp is the perfect camp for those who like to immerse themselves in nature. The camp is located within a wooden thicket surrounded by the african savannah. The tents are located in secluded spots within the property for maximum privacy and exclusivity. 

Entumoto Safari Camp

Entumoto safari camp’s history goes back to the 1920s. It is located on an escarpment which overlooks the masai mara conservancy. The camp is perfect for families as its tents are large enough to accommodate families travelling together. 

Mara Explorer Tented Camp

Set on its own private peninsula, the Mara explorer luxury tented camp features 10 tents each opening to the talek river. Being located along the river makes it a perfect spot for wildlife viewing as elephants, zebras, and all sorts of animals frequent the river to quench their thirst. 

Tayari Luxury Tented Camp – Mara

Tayari luxury camp is located 4 km from the main sekenani gate. It features 10 self-contained tents that offer breathtaking views of the mara. The camp is one of the most affordable luxury tented camps within the mara making it ideal for budget travellers. 

Julia’s River Camp

Julia’s river camp is located along the Talek river within the mara savannah. The camp’s location offers abundant wildlife viewing opportunities without leaving the camp. Lions, wildebeests, buffalos, elephants and even the elusive leopard regularly come to drink. The camp has a total of 28 tents and 3 camps to choose from. 

Karen Blixen Camp

The Karen blixen camp, named after the danish author Karen blixen, is located on the banks of the mara river. The camp features 1920 style decor which gives visitors the opportunity to experience yesteryears. It is also great for wildlife viewing from the comfort of your camp as wildlife come to the mara river for a drink. 

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